Sunday, July 25, 2010

Creativity and 1st Blog

"Creating is the true essence of life."
Barthold Georg Niebur

Creativity brings out the beauty and inspiration in our lives. It is easy t0 get off track with our creativity by becoming too busy with the mundane things in life. The trick is to find balance with life and creativity. Creativity Boot Camp is a 2 week self study course by photographer Madeline Bea. She hosted this camp back in June. But, you can still go through the course on your own to help get your creative juices flowing. The boot camp works for any creative meduim. She also does a weekly creative challenge on her blog called "The Sunday Creative."

Sunday Creative Assignment: "Traditional"

What is more traditional than a wedding? My reception is next Saturday. I decided to take pictures of our wedding bands. The assignment was fun, and a good break from making wedding favors which I still have alot to make.